I had the greatest pleasure of photographing this absolutely gorgeous little man Mr I. This little man was an absolute little angel for the entire shoot he was happy to lay there and have his photo taken over and over for 2 hours. So here is a sneak peak from the photoshoot. I hope you love them Nicole as much as I do, there was just too many good photos to pick a few, so here are a few of my favourites that I have had a chance at playing with. Thanks for looking and your comments. xxx
I had the pleasure of photographing this little precious bundle of joy at just 10 days old.
Here are a few of my favourites from the shoot to share with you all. The first photo is definately one of my favourites.
Well that is all I have to share today , will have some more photos for you all in the next few days. Until then thanks for taking the time to look at my work.